Hi there everyone! Hope you're days going well! ^^ I figured (hehe) id give you a little update on the Loona figurine, as this will probably be the last update on her for a little while! As you can see ive done most of the painting now, to some it may look finished! But actually no, i do have some things still do add! Mostly some shading and fixing some crooked areas. But shes finished for now, as ive got other things i want to do! But i'll get back to her soon ^^ I should also mention that the paint was not applied thickly, the textures is just a result of the 3D printing. Id love to get a resin printer and try this one again!
In other news, work is going well over at Alliance Studios to bring you the pilot movie for Transformers Alliance : The Animated Series! Animation has now officially begun, and we're on the road to completion! ^^
Have an amazing day, and i'll talk to you another time! ^^